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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10791/156

Title: Audio teleconferencing: examination of instructional strategies for teachers of adult learners. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University
Authors: Walker, D.
Degree: MDE
Department: Centre for Distance Education
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: This thesis examines instructional strategies available to teachers of students enrolled in college-level audio teleconferencing courses delivered by distance education. Using the techniques of qualitative research, this case study design explored student lived-experiences in an audio teleconferencing classroom. Using a questionnaire, focus groups, and personal interviews data were gathered, examined and analyzed. The findings were discussed under four categories: learning strategies, teaching strategies, positive experiences and negative experiences. Five clustered instructional strategy themes emerged as students expressed a need for visual stimulation, interaction, and effective communication, as well as competent teachers and operational technology. Practical implications of these results suggested ways in which adult educators can use audio teleconferencing technology effectively to enhance the learning experience for their students.
Graduation Date: 2004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10791/156
Appears in Collections:Theses prior to 2011

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