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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Degree
1998Participation and non-participation in computer mediated conferencing: a case study. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityTaylor, D. O.MDE
1998Interactive instructional television (IITV) classroom system design: an application and cost comparative analysis. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityRyan-Nicholls, K. D.MDE
1998Attention deficit disorder in adults and distance education. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityFahlman, D.MDE
1998A study of distance education students choosing computer-mediated communications as a function of cultural capital: perceptions, access, and barriers revisited. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityArcher, L. M.MDE
1999Learner perceptions of the importance of situated learning design components in a self-study internet-based continuing education program. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Wright, D. E.MDE
1999Adaptation and application of a transcript analysis tool to analyze a computer-mediated communication (CMC) distance education course transcript. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityKeller, V.MDE
1999The lived experience of being a distance learner. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityDickie, S. D. M.MDE
1999Distance Education in Alberta public colleges. Master of Distance education thesis, Athabasca UniversityBrennan, J.MDE
2000Developing a student model for distance education. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Tsinakos, A.MDE
2000Analysis of graduate student attitudes towards computer-mediated communication. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Skelton, S.MDE
2000A distance delivery model to improve accessibility to post-diploma baccalaureate level dental hygiene education. Master of Distance Education project, Athabasca UniversityCobban, S. J.MDE
2000Student experiences with computer mediated conferencing: a case study. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Campbell, K. B.MDE
2001Conversational audio in online distance education. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Pearce, H.MDE
2001Faculty attitudes toward interactions in delivering undergraduate distance education. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityThiessen, J. K.MDE
2001Web design for effective online training and instruction. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityPatsula, P. J.MDE
2001A case study in the planning of interaction in the conversion of an existing course for online delivery. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityMurphy, , L. A.MDE
2001Case study of a knowledge-based organization. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityLillies, P.MDE
2001Persistence of adult learners in distance education. Master of distance education thesis, Athabasca UniversityKemp, W.MDE
2001Survey of available online training for Canadian voluntary boards. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca UniversityHalpenny, H.MDE
2001Valuing perspectives: a grounded theory of mentoring in a distance education environment. Master of Distance Education thesis, Athabasca University.Bochke, S. L.MDE
Showing results 1 to 20 of 455
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