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Showing results 215 to 234 of 1418
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Dahlke, Sherri (Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta)
Daniel Motidyang, Ben (Otago University)
Danilovic, Sasa
Davies, Melissa Leanne
Dawson, Stephanie
Debbie Fraser (Athabasca University - Faculty of Health Disciplines)
DeCoste, Kelly
de Laat, Maarten, University of Wollongong
Delfabbro, Paul (The University of Adelaide)
Deline, G.
Dell, Deborah
Denojean-Mairet, Marc
DE Roo, Monica
Desai, Priti (Department of Human Development & Family Science)
Despres-Bedward, Antoine
Desson, Kenneth Montrose
Devine, Kay, Athabasca University, Internal, Durepos, Gabrielle, Mount Saint Vincent University, External
Devine, Kay (Athabasca University) Newsted, Peter (Athabasca University)
Devine, Kay (Athabasca University); Siegel Donald (University at Albany)
Devine, Kay (Faculty of Business)
Showing results 215 to 234 of 1418
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