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Showing results 463 to 482 of 1443
Dr. Karen Cook, (Athabasca University); Dr. Jeff Vallance, (Athabasca University)
Dr. Karen Cook (Athabasca University) Dr. Jennifer Stephens (University of Wyoming)
Dr. Karen Cook (Faculty of Health Disciplines)
Dr. Karen Cook, Faculty of Health Disciplines, Assistant Professor, Athabasca University
Dr. Katelyn Coburn, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr. Kathleen Bortolin
Dr. Kathleen Leslie (Athabasca University)
Dr. Kathleen Leslie, Athabasca University
Dr. Kathleen Matheos, University of Manitoba
Dr. Kathryn Brohman, Queen’s University
Dr. Kay Devine and Dr. Roy Suddaby,
Dr. Kay Devine (Athabasca University)
Dr. Kay Devine, Athabasca University; Dr. David Newhouse, Trent University;
Dr. Kay Devine, Dr. Jean Helms Mills, Dr. Gabrielle Durepos
Dr. Kelly Dye
Dr. Kenneth Merchant (University of Southern California Marshall School of Business)
Dr. Kent-Wilkinson, Arlene (University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing)
Dr. Kharah Ross (External)
Dr Kimberley Lamarche, Cape Breton University
Dr. Kimberley Lamarche (Internal)
Showing results 463 to 482 of 1443