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Showing results 411 to 430 of 1443
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Dr. Hussein Al-Zyoud
Dr. Hussein Al-Zyoud (Athabasca University) Dr. Patricia Genoe McLaren (Wilfred Laurier University)
Dr. Ines Sametband (Faculty of Arts, Mount Royal University)
Dr. Innes-Cleveland, Marti
Dr.Irwin Devries
Dr. Irwin DeVries (Thompson Rivers University)
Dr. Jacob Musila, Athabasca University
Dr. Jacqueline Limoges (Athabasca University) Dr. Gwen R. Rempel (Athabasca University)
Dr. Janelle Baker (Athabasca University)
Dr. Janice Bissonnette
Dr. Janice Thomas (Athabasca University)
Dr. Janice Thomas (Athabasca University) Dr. Stefanie Ruel (Cape Breton University) Dr. Rhiannon Bury (Athabasca University)
Dr. Jeanie Cockell, Cockell McArthur-Blair Consulting Ltd.
Dr. Jeff Chang (Athabasca University)
Dr. Jeff Chang, Athabasca University
Dr. Jeff Chang (Athabasca University); Dr. Alexa DeGagne (Athabasca University)
Dr. Jeff Chang (Athabasca University); Dr. Simon Nuttgens (Yorkville University)
Dr. Jeff Chang (Faculty of Health Disciplines, Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology)
Dr. Jeff Chang Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology, Faculty of Health Disciplines
Dr. Jeff Chang (Graduate Centre of Applied Psychology)
Showing results 411 to 430 of 1443
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