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Showing results 1396 to 1415 of 1443
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Walsh-Starkes, Arlene
Wang, Harris Hongxue (School of Computing and Information Systems)
Wark, Norine
Warsame, Hussein (University of Calgary)
Weaver, Stasia
Welton, Michael
Wen, Dunwei (Faculty of Science and Technology)
Wen, Dunwei (Faculty of Science and Technology, School of Computing and Information Systems)
Wen, Dunwei (Faculty of Science, School of Computing and Information Systems)
Wenzel, Christopher
Werner, Norbert
White, Douglas
White, L. A..
Whitley, Nicole
Wicks, David (Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University)
Wilde, Russell
Wilhelm, Pierre (Faculty of Business)
Willet, Cameron (Laurentian University)
Williams, Marissa
Williams, Preethi
Showing results 1396 to 1415 of 1443
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