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Showing results 1316 to 1335 of 1443
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Suteu, Patricia
Swan, Karen (University of Illinois Springfield)
Sweeney, M. R.
Swettenham, Steve
Taberner, Christy
Tamayo, Niall
Tanan, Antonius
Tan, Ching (Faculty of Science and Technology, School of Computing and Information Systems)
Tanner, Jill
Tan, Qing
Tavares-Jones, Nancy
Taylor, D. O.
Taylor, Glen (Department of Management, Director)
Taylor, Maurice (Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa)
Teeba, Obaid
Temple, Norman (Centre for Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, Athabasca University)
Ternan, Shirley A
Tesolin, Amy
Thayaparan, A. A.
Thiessen, Janice
Showing results 1316 to 1335 of 1443
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