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Showing results 1290 to 1309 of 1443
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Smith, C.
Smith, Jean
Smith, Lee-Tasha
Snodgrass, Shelbi
Soanes-White, Tammy
Sodjahin, Bertrand
Solter, Alexander
Spann, Catherine
Spencer, Bob (Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University)
Spicer, Sarah
Spraakman, Gary (York University)
Spreckley, Jody Janette
Spronk, Barbara
Stark, Jody (Desautels Faculty of Music, University of Manitoba)
Steffan, Jodie
Stephens, Jennifer (The University of Wyoming)
Stevenson, Melissa
Stevenson, Siobhan (University of Toronto)
Stewart, David (Faculty of Business, Athabasca University)
Showing results 1290 to 1309 of 1443
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