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Showing results 1260 to 1279 of 1427
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Siemens, George
Siemens, George (Centre for Distance Education)
Siemens, George (Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab, University of Texas Arlington)
Siemens, George (University of Texas at Arlington, eLearning Innovations and Networked Knowledge Research Lab); Ally, Mohamed (Athabasca University, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences)
Sigué, Simon (Faculty of Business, Athabsca University)
Sim, Colin T.
Simmons, Tony (Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Athabasca University)
Simpson-Smith, Jean
Simpson-Spence, Lorraine
Singer, Marc
Skelton, S.
Skordaki, Efrosyni-Maria
Sleeman, Beverly Raewyn
Slipp, Micheala
Smilski, Andrea
Smith, C.
Smith, Jean
Smith, Lee-Tasha
Snodgrass, Shelbi
Soanes-White, Tammy
Showing results 1260 to 1279 of 1427
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