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Showing results 1217 to 1236 of 1427
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Rourke, Liam
Rouse, Paul (University of Auckland)
Ruel, Stefanie
Runte, Mary (University of Lethbridge)
Rush, Richard Derrick
Russell-Mayhew, Shelley (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary)
Ryan-Nicholls, K. D.
Sabina, Staempfli
Safi, Sana
Saha, Shandip (Religious Studies)
Sahota, Ranveer
Saini, Anita
Sakamoto, Mariko Liette
Salas, Anna Santos, PhD (University of Alberta)
Saleh, Hanan
Samaroden, Melanie
Sanders, James (University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Health Sciences, Addictions Counselling)
Sandhu, Harjinder
Sangra, Nina
Saunders, Chad (Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary)
Showing results 1217 to 1236 of 1427
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